flawless thoughtlessness

Finally, a comprehensive backlog that I will stick to. Yeah, yeah, play what you want, when you want. Doing things you like shouldn't be a chore. True! BUT, if I don't do it like this I literally will not finish any game longer than, like, 15 hours. For longer story games and franchises like Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts, a list like this really helps me remember, oh, I love that game/series! I want to get back into it! I also want to enjoy my time with those games as much as possible to enjoy their wonderful stories, so I usually focus on one at a time, at most two.

That being said, I'll obviously explore things outside of this list. I'll update this (hopefully) frequently with hyperlinks to the entries (in the context of franchises).

.hack//SIGN (currently)
✧ This anime is very slow. tbh i don't really have a desire to really finish it. vibes r on point tho, love the op sm.

Owarimonogatari (currently)
✧ Tsukimonogatari was the only real miss of this series (besides Karen Bee i skipped all of it lol). It was so.. boring. Hanamonogatari was great though, loved ittt.

Magic Knight Rayearth

Naruto (currently, forever)
✧ I mostly use dubbed Naruto as my bedtime television. Got to a point where I'm starting to restart the episodes to make sure I didn't miss any more cool things or lore drops.
✧ Sasuke is pretty dang cool.

Twelve Kingdoms

Houseki no Kuni
✧ Watched the anime. Very very unfortunate that a season 2 isn't likely. I loved the 3D animation a lot, fit the gems perfectly.

Tower Dungeon

Witch Hat Atelier (currently)
✧ Really unique take on magic. If you happen to like Owl House, you should definitely check Witch Hat out.


"You never know who you'll run into next."

1 FINAL MIX - Chain of Memories - 2 FINAL MIX+ - 358/2 Days - Birth by Sleep - Re:coded - Dream Drop Distance - KHX Back Cover - 0.2 - 3 + ReMind - Union X - Melody of Memory - Dark Road

I'm currently on 358/2 Days. I have entries talking about the former titles on my old blog. I'm still deciding if I want to port them or not.

Sept. 5 Update: this game is gonna make me k!ll myself by the end of it

This one was a long time coming, and I apologize to my friends who were begging me to play Kingdom Hearts for literal years. I am eternally indebted to you.

I'm not quite sure how Kingdom Hearts escaped my grasp in childhood. Maybe due to inaccessibility, I grew up with primarily Nintendo products, my dads Xbox 360, and horribly shitty laptops. I never touched any of his PlayStation stuff. Funny, because I'm actively learning that I really love the old era PlayStation. I'm honestly still pretty fond of PlayStation stuff now, I have my own PS4 that I never touch because I've had a good computer for years now.

that FF8 boxart...

I do miss console gaming a lot, however, and I often play titles in bed with my controller if I can. It's a nostalgically cozy feeling to me.

Kingdom Hearts is, like, made exactly for someone like me in numerous ways, especially aesthetically. I love the themes it touches on, the design choices, music (Yoko Shimomura is one of my favorite composers), characters, core gameplay... everything, really. Tetsuya Nomura is one of the best in the business, for sure. I also have adored The World Ends With You ever since I played it as a kid. I can easily say that its heavily influenced my tastes today.

Touhou Project has been my #1 since I can remember, it holds a very special place in my heart. It's unlikely that it will be trumped, but if anything's gonna do it, it would be Kingdom Hearts.

I've only completed less than half of the games in this series and it has impacted me in significant ways. It already has a lot of sentimental value in my life. I'm planning on getting a tattoo of one of the insignias. It'll most likely be Nobody because I really love Organization XIII, they're one of my favorite parts of Kingdom Hearts. Though, Unversed and Nightmare both look really fucking cool, I just have no idea the significance of them because I haven't played BBS yet. We'll see.

With the Steam release, (hooray!), I'm planning on also getting every achievement for each game. That should be a lot of fun.


I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X - XI - XII - XIII - XIV - XV - XVI

I haven't finished a single Final Fantasy game.

Final Fantasy vets, please don't decimate me. I've only played through the MMO. I actually debated whether or not I should include Final Fantasy as one of my favorite franchises in my about page.

...If someone else called themselves a Final Fantasy fan without playing a single game besides the MMO, I wouldn't pay it any mind! However, when it pertains to me, I should be publicly executed.

Anyway, I really appreciate the games for what they are, if that makes sense. I appreciate their cultural impact. I also really like how each game is its own standalone tale, it makes getting into the series more exciting.

You know me, I love my lists. As always, I want to play in release order. I also want to play the originals, but I'll look into whether or not I should just play the pixel remasters because "they're just better."

I chose Final Fantasy 4 as my first single-player Final Fantasy. At the time of being recommended Final Fantasy 4 by a good friend, I had just finished Endwalker. Like many others, I was completely blown away by FFXIV in general. It was surprising to me that I hadn't... actually played a Final Fantasy besides FFXIV, despite loving Final Fantasy from a distance. Final Fantasy 4 is one of my dads favorite games of all time.

FFXIV is definitely a unique experience that the single-player games can't replicate due to its runtime. Even so, I believe the standalone titles have the capacity to be equally or comparably great.

I'm most excited to play 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, and 15.

Sept 5 Update: So, I fooled around a bit with the original FF1. The noises are honestly nauseating, but I'm just sensitive to certain noises lolol. Aside from that, it's cool. I think I'm gonna go ahead and play the pixel remasters, though, unless it's a special case like FF2 or FF4 where certain ports have differing features? I think one of those has a post-game in a certain port? Anyway, it'll most likely depend on the game, we'll see.

Visited a friend of mine, he had the FF1 Pixel Remaster setup on his big CRT and it looked gorgeous! Instantly made me want to get my own little CRT. I'll definitely look into it...

Umineko When They Cry

ALL the girls in umineko are fantastic. also, love love love ryukishi's art!

I apologize to my close friend (she knows exactly who she is) who I've been telling "yeah, I'll read it..." for the past 1.5 years. I really want to read Umineko specifically on my tablet. I originally had a paperweight iPhone, I ended up jailbreaking it so it was actually useful. I wanted to use it to read manga and visual novels. I promptly lost it, like, three days later...

I want to be able to read Umineko in one of my favorite cafes or a nice lazy spot outdoors. I'm eternally in the process of trying to sideload to my iPad that cannot be jailbroken. I'm just lazy as hell.

It'll fix me. Or make me worse.

Fire Emblem

dude why r there so many shadow dragon remakes. ill update this later holy crap

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